Siinqee/Siiqee As
Conflict Resolution Mechanism
Obviously, the 21 century
has become an arena of
misunderstandings and conflicts in intra
and inter international community which necessitates the importance of making
use of cultural conflict resolution mechanisms and methods to avert its impending
menace to peace and development. Hence, if not many ,most many traditional
societies including those in developed
world have started to retrieve their
indigenous knowledge for the purpose. Unless
the increasing animosity, hatred, conflict and war being seen among the peoples
of the world is resolved, inclusive & sustainable development is
Since time immemorial,
the Oromo have been implementing various cultural conflict management settlement
mechanisms and practices which still is intact and operational under Oromo Gada
System. To mention few of them: Institution of homicide (Guma), thanks giving
Institution (Irrecha), Siinqee/Siiqqee Institution and others. Infact the
intention of this mini article is either not to give detail study of these
invaluable institutions or to discuss in detail about the overall importance of the Siinqee
Institution. Rather, few ideas about the Siinqee will be touched. A bird eye
view of Siinqee related conflict resolution mechanisms issues will be
set for discussion.
To fully comprehend the
meaning of Siinqee, we have to resort to
its generic name ‘ulee’ for it falls
under this category of Oromo material culture. The right embodied in this very
stick has been declared by the Gada
system during time beyond our knowledge. It is purposely cut and fashioned by
the mother of the to be married daughter the purpose of which is to safeguard
her rights during her martial life, to bless and curse those who infringe their
rights. Moreover, during the Gada power transfer ceremonies the newly elected
Gada officers should pass under avertedly held Siinqee (^ )to receive blessings from siinqee women. The
Siinqee stick is held by women on all
Gada institutions, ceremonies as a sign
of peace and reconciliation. It is an emblem of respect for women. If Siinqee
is present on on- going war, the
fighting should be automatically stopped.
But one may ask when
the rights embodied in the Siinqee come to its end. Siinqee stick is not
inheritable. Therefore, when the siinqee owner dies and buried, the siinqee
stick would be broken into pieces and placed on her graveyard which closes out the end of the right embeded
in the Siinqee.