Oromoo Cultural Center

Thé center of Oromoo Culture
Theatre Center

Theatre Center

"The art and theatre center has three subsections and respective services. These are (1) Music training and performance services, (2) film and theatre production and staging services and (3) pictures and handcraft training and gallery service"

Library and Archive

Library and Archive

The center has a comprehensive library that renders services to readers and researchers from différent academic background.

Oromoo Museum

Oromoo Museum

"The regional museum had been opened and give serves for both local and foreign tourists and visitors."


የገዳ ሥርዓትና ትላልቅ ተቋማት

የገዳ ሥርዓትና ትላልቅ ተቋማት ከገዳ ሥርዓት ዉስጥ ከተዋቀሩት ተsማት መካከል የተወሰኑት በእርስ በርስ ግጭት ውስጥ የተፈጠሩትን ችግሮች ለመፍታት የሚጠቀሙ ናቸዉ፡፡ ይህም አንድን በግጭት የተጎዳ ህብረተሰብ መልሶ ወደ ሰላም ለማምጣትና የተረጋጋ ሕይወት ይመሩ ዘንድ የአስታራቂነት ድርሻ Read More